Tutorials & Workshops
4th Workshop on Interactive Adaptive Learning 🔗
Time: full day
Organizers:- Adrian Calma
- Andreas Holzinger
- Daniel Kottke
- Georg Krempl
- Vincent Lemaire
Machine Learning for Cybersecurity (MLCS) 🔗
Time: full day
Organizers:- Pedro Ferreira
- Annalisa Appice
- Donato Malerba
- Ibéria Medeiros
- Michael Kamp
1st Workshop on Active inference 🔗
Time: full day
Organizers:- Tim Verbelen
- Cedric De Boom
- Pablo Lanillos
- Christopher Buckley
2nd Workshop on Deep Continuous-Discrete Machine Learning (DeCoDeML 2020) 🔗
Time: morning
Organizers:- Stefan Kramer
- Kristian Kersting
Machine Learning for Pharma and Healthcare Applications 🔗
Time: afternoon
Organizers:- Konstantinos Sechidis
- Damian Roqueiro
- Diego Saldana
- Naghmeh Ghazaleh
- Lee Cooper
- Jonas Richiardi
New Frontiers in Mining Complex Patterns 🔗
Time: morning
Organizers:- Michelangelo Ceci
- Corrado Loglisci
- Giuseppe Manco
- Elio Masciari and Zbigniew W. Ras
2nd Workshop on Evaluation and Experimental Design in Data Mining and Machine Learning (EDML 2020) 🔗
Time: morning
Organizers:- Eirini Ntoutsi
- Erich Schubert
- Arthur Zimek
- Albrecht Zimmermann
XKDD - Int Workshop on eXplainable Knowledge Discovery in Data Mining 🔗
Time: morning
Organizers:- Riccardo Guidotti
- Anna Monreale
- Salvatore Rinzivillo
- Przemyslaw Biecek
6th Workshop on Data Integration and Applications (DINA) 🔗
Time: morning
Organizers:- Luiza Antonie
- Peter Christen
- Erhard Rahm and Osmar Zaiane
Parallel, Distributed, and Federated Learning 🔗
Time: morning
Organizers:- Linara Adilova
- Michael Kamp
- Yamuna Krishnamurthy
ITEM - IoT, Edge, and Mobile for Embedded Machine Learning 🔗
Organizers:- Holger Fröning
- Franz Pernkopf
- Gregor Schiele
- Michaela Blott
The 8th Int Workshop on News Recommendation and Analytics 🔗
Time: afternoon
Organizers:- Özlem Özgöbek
- Benjamin Kille
- Andreas Lommatzsch and Jon Atle Gulla
Teaching Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence 🔗
Time: afternoon
Organizers:- Peter Steinbach
- Oliver Guhr
- Heidi Seibold
- Bernd Bischl
Advanced Analytics and Learning on Temporal Data 🔗
Time: full day
Organizers:- Simon Malinowski
- Vincent Lemaire
- Anthony Bagnall
- Thomas Guyet
- Georgiana Ifrim and Romain Tavenard
1st Workshop on Bias and Fairness in AI - BIAS 2020 🔗
Time: full day
Organizers:- Eirini Ntoutsi
- Bodo Rosenhahn
- Salvatore Ruggieri
- Toon Calders
- Mykola Pechenizkiy
Machine Learning and Data Mining for Sports Analytics (MLSA20) 🔗
Time: full day
Organizers:- Albrecht Zimmermann
- Jan van Haaren
- Jesse Davis
- Ulf Brefeld
MACLEAN - MAChine Learning for EArth ObservatioN 🔗
Time: full day
Organizers:- Thomas Corpetti
- Dino Ienco
- Roberto Interdonato
- Minh-Tan Pham
- Sébastien Lefèvre
MIDAS - The 5th Workshop on MIning DAta for financial applicationS 🔗
Time: full day
Organizers:- Valerio Bitetta
- Ilaria Bordino
- Andrea Ferretti
- Francesco Gullo
- Giovanni Ponti and Lorenzo Severini
MML 2020 - 13th Int. Workshop on Machine Learning and Music 🔗
SoGood 2020 - 5th Workshop on Data Science for Social Good 🔗
Time: full day
Organizers:- Ricard Gavalda
- Irena Koprinska
- Joao Gama
- Rita Ribeiro
GEM - Graph Embedding and Mining 🔗
Time: afternoon
Organizers:- Remy Cazabet
- Bo Kang
- Christine Largeron
- Charlotte Laclau
- Tiphaine Viard
- Pascal Welke
IoT Streams for Predictive Maintenance - 2nd Edition 🔗
Time: full day
Organizers:- Joao Gama
- Albert Bifet
- Moamar Sayed Mouchaweh
- Grzegorz J. Nalepa
- Sepideh Pashami
- Slawomir Nowaczyk
- Olga Fink
- Jessika Bulthe
Uncertainty in Machine Learning 🔗
Time: full day
Organizers:- Eyke Hüllermeier
- Sébastien Destercke
Probabilistic Circuits - Representations, Inference, Learning and Applications 🔗
Time: morning
Organizers:- Antonio Vergari
- Yoojung Choi
- Robert Peharz
- Guy Van den Broeck
Topological Data Analysis for Machine Learning 🔗
Learning with Imbalanced Domains and Rare Event Detection 🔗
Time: afternoon
Organizers:- Luis Torgo
- Stan Matwin
- Nathalie Japkowicz
- Nuno Moniz
- Paula Branco
- Rita P. Ribeiro
- Luboš Popelínský
Role Analytics in Networks 🔗
Time: morning
Organizers:- Yulong Pei
- George H. L. Fletcher
- Mykola Pechenizkiy
Classifier Calibration - How to assess and improve classifier confidence and uncertainty 🔗
Time: afternoon
Organizers:- Peter Flach
- Miquel Perelló-Nieto
- Hao Song
- Meelis Kull
- Telmo Silva-Filho
Explainable AI for Deep Networks - Basics and Extensions 🔗
Time: morning
Organizers:- Wojciech Samek
- Grégoire Montavon
Graph Representation Learning and Applications 🔗
Time: morning
Organizers:- Jiezhong Qiu
- Yuxiao Dong
- Jie Tang
What and How of Machine Learning Transparency - Building Bespoke Explainability Tools with Interoperable Algorithmic Components 🔗
Time: afternoon
Organizers:- Kacper Sokol
- Alexander Hepburn
- Raul Santos-Rodriguez
- Peter Flach
Put Deep Learning to work - Accelerate Deep Learning through AWS EC2 and ML Services 🔗
Starting at 3h30pm CEST due to time zone of the presenters.
Time: afternoon
Organizers:- Wenming Ye
- Rachel Hu
IoT Streams for Predictive Maintenance - 2nd Edition 🔗
Time: full day
Organizers:- Joao Gama
- Albert Bifet
- Moamar Sayed Mouchaweh
- Grzegorz J. Nalepa
- Sepideh Pashami
- Slawomir Nowaczyk
- Olga Fink
- Jessika Bulthe
Uncertainty in Machine Learning 🔗
Time: full day
Organizers:- Eyke Hüllermeier
- Sébastien Destercke
In case you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Workshop and Tutorial Chairs (Myra Spiliopoulou and Willem Waegeman) at wt_chairs[at]ecmlpkdd2020.net.