ECML-PKDD 2020 Code of Conduct
08 June 2020
The ECML-PKDD 2020 organization, and its Inclusion and Diversity Chairs in particular, are working on a Code of Conduct, to ensure that all members of the ECML-PKDD community at large feel welcome and respected as a person, and as a valued contributor to an open and unprejudiced scientific debate. The Inclusion and Diversity Chairs invite input from all members of the ECML-PKDD community at large on an early draft of the Code of Conduct. Both the draft Code of Conduct, and the procedure for providing input, are described on this github page. The deadline for your input is June 28th, so that the final version of the Code of Conduct can go live on this page on July 1st.
Moreover, the Inclusion and Diversity Chairs would welcome up to two additional Inclusion and Diversity Chairs that would increase their diversity. Please express your interest by email to inclusion_chairs[at]